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What is Myiasis (Maggots) in Dogs? Reasons, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Recovery

What is Myiasis (maggots) in Dogs?

Myiasis is a medical term for an infestation caused by Fly larvae, either Maggots or Grubs, on the skin of a living thing.

In this case we are going to read what is Myiasis(Maggots) in Dogs.

Dogs with Festering wound or with some chronic skin problems are more likely to develop this disease. This is really a serious condition that’s why u has to take your dog to a vet on an emergency basis.

what is Myiasis(Maggots)

Symptoms of Myiasis (Maggots)?

The symptoms of Myiasis(Maggots) are so simple to recognize. A small, white Larva of a Fly can be seen on the open skin of the dog. Some of them can be seen moving all over the open wound.

If those Maggots were not removed from the open wound or the dog is not treated on time so that will be more dangerous for the dog as well as the owner because after some time a Stinky smell will start to come out from the infested wound because those Maggots have started to hatch their eggs inside the wound and because of these infection all other skin tissues will also starts to damage.

So Now you all knows what is Myiasis(Maggots) and the symptoms as well now you are going to know about the types of infections which is cause by some Fly’s or grubs:-

Maggots in Dogs

Types of Infections which is caused by these Fly’s or Grubs:-

So basically there are two types of insects or fly which causes this kind of infestation inside your dog’s wound.

1.      MYIASIS.

Myiasis is the type of infection is caused by infestation of Maggots. Normally the preexisting wounds or some types of skin damages are the main target of this type of infestation and if the wound is not treated on time so maggots will starts hatching their eggs and larva’s inside the wound which cause many other types of Infections Like:- Necrosis.

These maggots usually live in large no. of groups inside your dog’s wound.



Cuterebriasis is caused by a fly from Cuterebra Family. This Fly also known as Bot fly which usually lays their eggs on the ground side especially in the holes of rats and rabbits and then their larva travel towards the dogs with the help of those rats and rabbits through their skin.

Usually Bot fly lives single or in small groups but not generally found in large no. like maggots of blowflies are and the main problem is the bot fly migrates so fast inside the subject body parts.


Cause of Myiasis(Maggots)

Cause of Myiasis (Maggots) in Dogs

Myiasis is caused by a female Fly, usually a Blowfly, starts from laying eggs in a festering wound or on an infected skin. This usually happens in the warmer months and in Hot, Moist environment. The most common targets are dogs which are constantly dirty or if some part of their skin are soiled from urine or dirt.

So if your dog has some kind of skin allergy or wounds make sure to clean that particular part and treat the wound according their type. Especially do take care of the other hygiene's as well with your dog to keep him safe.

Diagnosis of Myiasis (Maggots) in Dogs

Diagnosis of Blowfly maggots are so simple because you can see those larva’s clearly moving inside of the wound. You just have to shave dog’s hairs from near of the wound for the better look of the affected area to examine perfectly the affected tissues and skin.

Many times if the wound is seriously affected you can also examine the area by its smell because of the damaged tissues and larva’s.

what is Maggots(Myiasis)

Diagnosis of  Cuterebriasis  in Dogs

Usually in this kind of infestation the Bot fly makes a lump on the dogs body and a breath hole as well on the surface of the skin because as they grows up they starts breathing through that particular hole.

You can see that breathing hole or lump easily only after shaving that area or sometimes you can even see the larva taking breath through that lump or breathing hole. But the main problem is if the larva migrates in some internal organs like brain or lungs so it became very challenging to find their proper location inside the body.

To find them you have to do the CT scan to find them by an electromagnetic image and their migrated track.

Dogs and Myiasis(Maggots)

Treatments of Myiasis(Maggots) in Dogs

Normally the process of treating Myiasis is by removal of Maggots or Grubs Physically by hands in a very delicate way.

Because with Blowfly we have to be very careful as they can be found in very large no’s inside the wound. Removing them is a hard part and has to be done in a very careful way as they have the enzymes that they use to Necrotize the tissues can be release in larger quantities if their body has been crushed or pulled apart while removing them. This can cause additional tissue damage.

Bot fly's can be found in little group or single but they have toxic too in their body that’s why the whole treatment has to go through a kind of operation under the anesthesia dose which is already given to the dog to make him calm during the whole process of the treatment.

Recovery of Myiasis(Maggots) in Dogs

So now we are here on the final stage The Recovery stage so usually these types of infestations takes a longer time to heal properly. You have to go to your vet many times till proper healing.

Make sure to ask your vet about the skin is healing properly or not because many times gangrene can be develop automatically and it’s totally normal but still makes sure to stop its development.

Take care about all the precautions and guidelines of your vet.

So now you all knows about What is Myiasis or Maggots? 

I hope now you all can do care of your dog according these instructions i hope this will help you in future.


Thank You.

Keep loving your Pets.











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